Verify that a checkbox is unchecked

Posted about 2 months ago by Clark

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Clark Bent

I am trying to verify that a particular checkbox on the screen is unchecked.  When I record my script, I right-click on the checkbox, go to "verification", then "checked".  The test step that results says, "Is [my targetLocator] checked?"

How do I make it say, "Is [my target locator] not checked?"

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Mason Lopez

Mason posted about 2 months ago Best Answer

Just invert the result of the step, then press save.  That will change the verification to a verification that the checkbox is un-checked.

1 Votes


Mason Lopez

Mason posted about 2 months ago Answer

Just invert the result of the step, then press save.  That will change the verification to a verification that the checkbox is un-checked.

1 Votes

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