Use a test in a different suite

Posted about 2 months ago by MyOtherMe

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I need to use a test I created in one suite in a new suite. How can I go about doing this?

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Michael Deveaux

Michael posted about 2 months ago Admin Best Answer

There is a post here that shows how to copy a test. As it mentions, you may want to consider creating a function rather than copying a test, that way you can use the steps in multiple other tests without recreating the same steps.

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FiniteAutomaton posted about 1 month ago

You can access a test in another suite by referencing the other suite.  From the suite you are working on, and click "Referenced Suites",  "Import Suite".  

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Michael Deveaux

Michael posted about 2 months ago Admin Answer

There is a post here that shows how to copy a test. As it mentions, you may want to consider creating a function rather than copying a test, that way you can use the steps in multiple other tests without recreating the same steps.

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