How can I verify information on my website?

Posted about 2 months ago by MyOtherMe

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My test pulls up a customer's order and displays both the customer contact information and the product they ordered. How can I verify that the correct customer data is being displayed on the screen?

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Michael Deveaux

Michael posted about 2 months ago Admin Best Answer

There is a really good KB article that has a video that shows various ways to add verifications to your test. You can view it here: How To Add A Verification

Or you can view it directly in YouTube.

1 Votes


Michael Deveaux

Michael posted about 2 months ago Admin Answer

There is a really good KB article that has a video that shows various ways to add verifications to your test. You can view it here: How To Add A Verification

Or you can view it directly in YouTube.

1 Votes

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