Is it possible to run each suite on a specific Grid that I manually created, whenever I choose to execute it through Alchemy Grid Works Location?

Posted 4 months ago by Sanjay

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Since the grids are being automatically deleted, I want to execute the suites on the Grid I manually created. Is this possible in Alchemy? 

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David Rumley

David posted 4 months ago Admin Best Answer

If you configure the Alchemy Gridworks integration to execute on a specific grid, then when the test completes, the grid is not destroyed.  To do this get the gridId from the Gridworks UI.  The gridID is in the red box below.  To get straight to the GridWorks UI, login at:

Now in the Alchemy client add the gridID to your Alchemy Gridowrks configuration.

Now when you execute using the Gridorks router configured in this manner, the existing grid will be used, and not destroyed at the end of the suite execution.  The nodes will stop according to the timeouts set in the configuration.  However, the Recordings of executed tests on nodes spun up during the test will be available in the Recordings.

Hope this helps, I will also add that you can alter the target grid at runtime by manipulating the command line to run with -CLD_gridId <<gridID>>.  Where <<gridID>> is the gridID of the existing grid in Alchemy Gridworks where you want to run the suite.  So, it doesn't matter if the existing gridID was different or even missing from the original executable when it was built.

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David Rumley

David posted 4 months ago Admin Answer

If you configure the Alchemy Gridworks integration to execute on a specific grid, then when the test completes, the grid is not destroyed.  To do this get the gridId from the Gridworks UI.  The gridID is in the red box below.  To get straight to the GridWorks UI, login at:

Now in the Alchemy client add the gridID to your Alchemy Gridowrks configuration.

Now when you execute using the Gridorks router configured in this manner, the existing grid will be used, and not destroyed at the end of the suite execution.  The nodes will stop according to the timeouts set in the configuration.  However, the Recordings of executed tests on nodes spun up during the test will be available in the Recordings.

Hope this helps, I will also add that you can alter the target grid at runtime by manipulating the command line to run with -CLD_gridId <<gridID>>.  Where <<gridID>> is the gridID of the existing grid in Alchemy Gridworks where you want to run the suite.  So, it doesn't matter if the existing gridID was different or even missing from the original executable when it was built.

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