Why there are no multiple error Handlers in a Test. I see Only One Error Handler.

Posted 3 months ago by Ub

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I have added a function and kept as the error handler in one of my test.

i have executed the test and it failed and the error handler invoked well and the execution continued well.

My question here is : what if i face the new error again after few more steps in the same testcase?

But this error handler(function) is no more the same which i wanted now. means the second error is different. How can i handle the second error.?

similarly, after few more steps again, how can i handle the third error?

I noticed that in the Test setting i have to give only 1 error handler input. What about my 2nd, 3rd and so on.. errors?

Please help me in this regard and clarify this in details.

Thanks in Advance!


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Ub posted 3 months ago

Hi Michael,


I appreciate your reply!

Can you add some steps on: how to add "multiple error handling steps" in a single function?

After adding them, how they are going to invoke at the failed error steps. like example: at error step5, at error step10,at error step15.

I am unable to reproduce the steps which you have mentioned.

I know that in a normal function we can add reusable steps and use them at different tests. or we can call different functions at different places in a Test.

But handling multiple errors with a single function is impossible, i Guess!. Do you have any steps on how to add multiple error handlers steps in a single function? or  where can i get those steps link? and i will try from my end.

Thanks in Advance!


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Michael Deveaux

Michael posted 3 months ago Admin

There is a single error handler function assigned to a test that can contain multiple error handling steps.

Alchemy will try each step in the function till it finds the one that recovers the error and then it will retry the step that failed.

So you just record the steps that need to be taken to recover from each error and Alchemy will find the one that it needs to handle the recovery.

Error handling 

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