Help! I deleted my site!

Posted 5 months ago by MyOtherMe

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I accidentally deleted my site in one of my suites. It was fairly large and would take some effort to recreate it, and I think the locator references would be broken anyway. Is there some way I can recover my site??

0 Votes

Michael Deveaux

Michael posted 5 months ago Admin Best Answer

Don't Panic!

You can import the site back into  your suite. It has not been deleted permanently, just removed from the suite's site list. To do this:

1. Open the suite and go to the Sites tab.

2. Click "Import Existing".

3. Locate the site that was removed (It is always a good idea to rename your sites something unique that makes them easy to identify).

4. Click the + sign next to the test name to re-add it to the Sites list.

5. Click the Save button.

You will now see the site has been added back to the Sites list and invalid identifiers in the tests will be fixed.

2 Votes


Michael Deveaux

Michael posted 5 months ago Admin Answer

Don't Panic!

You can import the site back into  your suite. It has not been deleted permanently, just removed from the suite's site list. To do this:

1. Open the suite and go to the Sites tab.

2. Click "Import Existing".

3. Locate the site that was removed (It is always a good idea to rename your sites something unique that makes them easy to identify).

4. Click the + sign next to the test name to re-add it to the Sites list.

5. Click the Save button.

You will now see the site has been added back to the Sites list and invalid identifiers in the tests will be fixed.

2 Votes

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