Flow control in an Alchemy test

Posted about 2 months ago by MyOtherMe

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I need my test to click a link based on the results of a customer order. For example, if a customer's order total is over $100, they could add insurance to the order by clicking the "Add Insurance" button, or if the order total is below $100, they would click on "Continue" button (the add-insurance button is not visible if the order is below $100).

How can I set up my test to click the correct button?

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Michael Deveaux

Michael posted about 2 months ago Admin Best Answer

I needed to do something similar and I found a great KB article with a video example. Check out Conditional IF Control Structures in Alchemy

1 Votes


Michael Deveaux

Michael posted about 2 months ago Admin Answer

I needed to do something similar and I found a great KB article with a video example. Check out Conditional IF Control Structures in Alchemy

1 Votes

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