What is 'Watch Window'?

Posted 6 months ago by Shekar

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What is 'Watch Window' and what is the Purpose of it in Execution tab?

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PrasadLangoju posted 6 months ago Best Answer

The Watch window is a feature often used during test execution, acting as an output window where you can monitor and assess the values of specific variables or expressions in real-time.

For example, if you want to perform a mathematical operation, you first need to define the required number of variables and select the appropriate math action. Then, refer these variables to the corresponding fields of the operation. 
With just two variables, you can execute various math operations like addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, etc. All the results can be observed in the "Watch window." 
1)Create a test in a suite
2)Open the "Actions ToolBox" from the right side and search for the "Set Variable" action. 

3)Drag that Set variable action in to the test canvas. 

4)Copy that step and paste it in the test for creating another variable.

5)Provide names and values in the corresponding fields.

6)Execute the test once and Save the suite.

7)Open the "Data Tool Box" there we can observe the two variables created under the "Test Context Variables" section. 

8) Now open the "Action ToolBox" and search for "Math" action. 

9)Drag the math action onto the test canvas, select the desired math operation, and reference the variable you just created.

10)Click on the Eye ball that is available on the corresponding math operation step and provide a desired text in the "Save To" text field.  
11)Copy and paste the corresponding math step for as many operations as you wish to perform.[ Don't forget to provide a text in the "Save to" text field of each math operation step].

12)Save the test and execute it. 
13)Once the execution is done, open the "Watch window". 

14) In the watch window you can observe all the output values in a Key and value pair mode. 

2 Votes



PrasadLangoju posted 6 months ago Answer

The Watch window is a feature often used during test execution, acting as an output window where you can monitor and assess the values of specific variables or expressions in real-time.

For example, if you want to perform a mathematical operation, you first need to define the required number of variables and select the appropriate math action. Then, refer these variables to the corresponding fields of the operation. 
With just two variables, you can execute various math operations like addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, etc. All the results can be observed in the "Watch window." 
1)Create a test in a suite
2)Open the "Actions ToolBox" from the right side and search for the "Set Variable" action. 

3)Drag that Set variable action in to the test canvas. 

4)Copy that step and paste it in the test for creating another variable.

5)Provide names and values in the corresponding fields.

6)Execute the test once and Save the suite.

7)Open the "Data Tool Box" there we can observe the two variables created under the "Test Context Variables" section. 

8) Now open the "Action ToolBox" and search for "Math" action. 

9)Drag the math action onto the test canvas, select the desired math operation, and reference the variable you just created.

10)Click on the Eye ball that is available on the corresponding math operation step and provide a desired text in the "Save To" text field.  
11)Copy and paste the corresponding math step for as many operations as you wish to perform.[ Don't forget to provide a text in the "Save to" text field of each math operation step].

12)Save the test and execute it. 
13)Once the execution is done, open the "Watch window". 

14) In the watch window you can observe all the output values in a Key and value pair mode. 

2 Votes

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